Sega Rally Revo Xbox 360 Cheats

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Finish each achievement to get the gamerscore points:

Premier Expertise (10 Points):
Acquire enough points playing the Championship to acquire the Premier Expert League.

Premier Champion (20 Points):
Complete 1st in the Premier Final rally when playing the Championship.

Premier Pro. (5 Points):
Acquire enough points playing the Championship to acquire the Premier Professional League.

Modified Novice (5 Points):
Acquire enough points playing the Championship to get the Modified Amateur League.

Modified Pro. (10 Points):
Acquire enough points playing the Championship to get the Modified Professional League.

Modified Expertise (20 Points):
Acquire enough points playing the Championship to get the Modified Expert League.

Masters Novice (10 Points):
Acquire enough points playing the Championship to get the Masters Amateur League.

Masters Expert (30 Points):
Acquire enough points playing the Championship to get the Masters Expert League.

Modified Champion (30 Points):
Complete 1st in the Modified Final rally when playing the Championship.

Masters Champion (40 Points):
Complete first in the Masters Final rally when playing the Championship.

Slam (50 Points):
Complete first in every rally in the Championship.

Masters Pro. (20 Points):
Acquire enough points playing the Championship to get the Masters Professional League.

Car Collection (20 Points):
Acquire enough points in the Championship to get all the cars.

Livery Collection (20 Points):
Commute 50 miles in the first 6 cars in every championship.

Safari Pro. (10 Points):
Complete first on each of the Safari tracks in any single player game mode.

Lakeside Pro. (10 Points):
Complete first on the Lakeside 1 track in any single player game mode.

Flawless Score (100 Points):
Complete first in every race in all rallies in the Championship.

Arctic Pro. (10 Points):
Complete first on each of the Arctic tracks in any single player game mode.

Canyon Pro. (10 Points):
Complete first on each of the Canyon tracks in any single player game mode.

Tropical Pro. (10 Points):
Complete first on each of the Tropical tracks in any single player game mode.

Tourist (10 Points):
Ambulate a total of 300 miles in any single player game mode.

Trek (20 Points):
Ambulate a sum of 500 miles in any single player game mode.

Explore (30 Points):
Ambulate a sum of 1000 miles in any single player game mode.

Alpine Pro. (10 Points):
Complete first on each of the Alpine tracks in any single player game mode.

Off-Road Pro. (10 Points):
Prevail in a Championship rally using the Off-Road setup.

Road Pro. (10 Points):
Prevail in a Championship rally using the Road set-up.

Safari (20 Points):
Defeat the target times for all car classes in every Safari track.

Lakeside (20 Points):
Defeat the target times for all car classes on the Lakeside 1 Track.

Arctic (20 Points):
Defeat the target times for all car classes in every Arctic track.

Manual Pro. (10 Points):
Prevail in a Championship rally using manual transmission.

Alpine (20 Points):
Defeat the target times for all car classes in every Alpine track.

Canyon (20 Points):
Defeat the target times for all car classes in every Canyon track.

Head On (20 Points):
Ambulate on all the tracks in head to head mode.

Live Amateur (10 Points):
Finish 10 races online.

Veteran (30 Points):
Finish 100 races on online.

5th Ranked (30 Points):
Prevail in 5 races in Xbox LIVE ranked matches.

10th Ranked (50 Points):
Prevail in 10 races in Xbox LIVE ranked matches.

Social Host (30 Points):
Finish 100 races on Xbox LIVE as a Host.

Tropical (20 Points):
Defeat the target times for all car classes in every Tropical track.

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