Gamerscore Points:
Purple Heart - 10: Acquire the worst Kill/Death ratio.
Veteran Submarine Commander - 50: Complete all Submarine Challenge missions.
Legion of Merit - 20: Team kill ratio of 5:1 at the very least.
Bronze Star - 20: Team kill ratio of 3:1 at the very least.
Artillery Marksmanship - 20: Get 200 Artillery hits as well as most Artillery hits in mission.
AA Marksmanship - 20: Get 100 AA hits as well as most AA hits in mission.
Distinguished Service Cross - 30: Best 50 foe planes and 10 foe ships.
Silver Star - 30: Best ten foe planes and 5 foe ships.
Distinguished Flying Cross - 50: Bring down 40 enemy planes and reach at least 5 min plane usage.
Air Medal - 50: Bring down 20 enemy planes and reach at least 5 min plane usage.
Veteran of Midway - 100: Complete all Single Player missions.
Fortified Veteran of Midway - 150: Complete all Single Player missions on the Veteran Difficulty.
Navy Cross - 40: Best ten enemy ships and get at least 5 min ship usage.
Torpedo Marksmanship - 20: Get 15 torpedo hits and the most torpedo hits in mission.
Navy Distinguished Service Medal - 40: Best five enemy ships and reach at least 5 min ship usage.
Veteran Pilot - 50: Complete all Plane Challenge missions.
Veteran Captain - 50: Complete all Ship Challenge missions.
Level Select: Press RB, LB, RT, LT and press the BLUE button when you enter a mission select menu.
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