Get Level Selection: Complete the whole game on Insane Difficulty.
Gamerscore Points:
Untouchable - 15 Gamerscore: Complete a level without taking a single hit.
Legend - 50 Gamerscore: Complete the game on Insane Difficulty.
Immortal - 15 Gamerscore: Complete a level without dying or losing any friends.
Hero - 25 Gamerscore: Complete the game on Normal.
Halfway Point - 5 Gamerscore: Complete Mission 3 on any difficulty level.
Exterminator - 15 Gamerscore: Kill all enemies in a stage.
Epic Warrior - 10 Gamerscore: Form a four-ship formation.
Diplomat - 15 Gamerscore: Complete a level without shooting.
Teamwork - 15 Gamerscore: Get 10,000 Gamerscore Points while attached in a level.
Rookie - 5 Gamerscore: Get 30,000 Gamerscore points.
Veteran - 10 Gamerscore: Get 100,000 Gamerscore points.
Ace - 20 Gamerscore: Get 185,000 Gamerscore points.
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