Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Xbox Cheats

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Cheat: All Levels:
Unlock all levels: hold R3 and press D-Pad RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP.

Cheat List:
Hold in the right stick and use the D-Pad to enter the following codes:

* Invincibility: DOWN, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP.
* Force Abilities at Level 3: LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, DOWN.
* All weapons: RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, DOWN, UP.
* Skip Stage: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT.
* Unlimited Force: UP, DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, RIGHT.

Infintite Force Power:
Hold down the right stick and use the D-Pad to enter UP, DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, RIGHT

Set Force Powers To Level 3:
While playing, press in the right joystick and use the D-Pad to enter LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, DOWN. This cheat does not affect core Force powers.

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