Unlock ex characters:�������������������� If you reach stage 100 or more in arcade mode, the expert characters will challenge you. Beat them.
Unlock Leopaldon:�������������������� Reach the level 199 in arcad mode and beat Leopaldon.
Zako 1, 2, and 3: In GGBoost, beat Kakusei Sol and Ky in the final level
Kakusei Sol and Kakusei Ky: Play Scramble in RK II Factory under the normal difficulty setting. Finish the last stage with a score of 1,500,000 or greater. Robo Ky II Substance will appear. Defeat him to unlock Kakusei Sol and Kakusei Ky.
Unlock antarctica level: Reach stage 100 in arcade mode and beat Leopaldan.
Unlock Kakusei Ky and Kakusei Sol: Play Scramble in RK II Factory in normal mode. Complete the final level with minimum� 1500000 points. Robo Ky II Substance should be appear. Fight with Robo Ky II and win.
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